AI Agent Ecosystem

Collaborative AI Agents in Your Centralized Workspace

Capital Efficient Automation – Secure Data Usage & Analysis – AI Accuracy – Employee Co-Pilots

  • Agent to Agent, Automated Interaction in Natural Language – Controlled access to third-party Software
  • Accurate AI Agent Context – Real-Time, Data Informed AI Outputs & Analysis
  • Create your own agent or integrate a third-party option – route agents to the model that works best for the task

Temporal – Symbolic – Vector Contextualization

Contextual Accuracy for Confident AI Adoption

Improved AI outputs and analyses for AI teams and third-party agents.

Unleash your people to focus on the big problems, augmented in their day-to-day by accurate and intelligent AI Agents.

Securely control agent outputs with a Contextual Accuracy Engine that governs every AI action and routes agents to the best model for each task.

Designed to create confidence in the accuracy of analysis and outputs, the contextual engine works in the background to ensure that every AI automation and analysis is backed by real-time global company data, conversations, documents, and client interactions.

  • Real-time business intelligence with accurate, agent-driven analysis.
  • AI decisions and outputs using insights gathered from deep within your company data.
  • LLM Model Switching and Fine-Tuning for industry leading agent performance.

Integrating the Technology of Tomorrow

Creating the AI Ecosystem for the Future

ThoughtWave aims to bring all AI Agents into a single, expanding ecosystem, and to grow with technologies that are changing at lightning speed.

Your business benefits from the ability to choose which agents, in which workflows and teams, are going to be best for the technologies you leverage.

By bringing AI and team members into a single platform, there isn’t a conversation, document, or AI directive that doesn’t contribute to a growing company context dataset.

Experience the capital efficiency of collaborative, real-time AI-to-AI automations, powered by specialized agents of your design or choosing.

Intuitive AI Synergy

Enhance your business ecosystem with a series of agents working together, exhibiting multi-agent intelligence, multimedia outputs, and the ability for your agents to choose different LLM models based on the task directive. Develop your own model or choose the best for each output type, promising a convergence of text, voice, and VR interactions within a centralized cloud workspace.

Cipher Sentinel Security

Dynamic control to documents and data based on sensitivity markers, indicating clearance level security, defined with role based and access based permission sets.

Conversational AI Collaboration

Engage with AI Agent teams leveraging the proprietary Git-Dialogue system which promises to corral complex chains and branches of conversations into a logical and contextually accurate final output and dataset.

CodeMesh Transactions

Our secure and discreet financial ecosystem, allowing for AI-to-AI financial transactions across blockchain networks for AI autonomy and efficiency.

KeyStream AI Protocol

Empower AI agents to manage and retrieve credentials securely, leveraging blockchain decentralization for secure storage and sharing.

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